giovedì 27 gennaio 2011

Bruciare Calorie per Perdere Peso

Velocizzare il tuo Metabolismo e Bruciare i Grassi in Eccesso. 
I Segreti per Perdere Peso che non sono mai stati svelati per motivi Economici, finalmente a disposizione di tutti, in un eBook Straordinario!

I Segreti per Perdere Peso che non sono mai stati svelati per motivi Economici, finalmente a disposizione di tutti, in un eBook Straordinario!
Se vuoi Perdere quei chili in eccesso che proprio non vogliono andare via, non importa quello che hai provato fino ad ora, le Diete che hai fatto o le tante Sedute in Palestra. E' ora di concentrarsi meglio su NOI STESSI e su questo Obiettivo.

A chi non piacerebbe avere un Fisico ben delineato, in grado di stupire i propri Amici, di attirare l'attenzione di una Persona Speciale? Questo è molto importante non solo perchè aumenta la fiducia in noi stessi, ma ti infonde la VOLONTA' di Perdere Peso e mantenere la Linea che hai sempre desiderato!

Ma è veramente possibile mantenere poi questo risultato Per Sempre? SI, è possibile riuscire a raggiungere questo Obiettivo, ma NON con delle Diete specifiche, che ti danno magari risultati temporanei, per poi farti ingrassare nuovamente, ma solo imparando a conoscere e ottimizzare il tuo METABOLISMO! Oggi puoi far questo con l'esclusivo eBook:

martedì 25 gennaio 2011

Why you should keep secret goals

Imagine the day when he decided on a change of life. Can't wait to share it with all your friends and relatives. Maybe you can announce that at a party, or share it online for everyone:
"I'm going to lose 20 pounds before Christmas and be fit enough to go running every day!"
All welcomed a job well done.
But wait a minute--you haven't done anything yet?
In a recent speech by TED, Derek Sivers speaks aims to keep secret. According to the research, says someone your goals makes them less likely to happen.
There is some research for this backup.Peter Gollwitzer at New York University specializes in goal-setting. in his article (PDF) intentions to announce (in Studio 3) discovers that people who have announced their objectives to dispense with their faster than people who don't have.
This flies in the face some reflection. many people share their goals and I believe that the disclosure helps keep their responsibility.
Keep you goals for yourself? o ye li announce to the world?

Photo credit Dana Lookado

View the original article here

lunedì 24 gennaio 2011

Weight Watchers points Plus

Weight watchers have revised their point system and come with a completely new program-called points Plus (or dots Pro in the United Kingdom).
The formula of the previous points (begun in 1997) took into account calories, grams of fiber and grams of fat. The formula of PointsPlus uses protein, carbohydrate, fibre and grams of fat.
Weight watchers have spent a number of years of testing the new program (at the Medical University of South Carolina among other places). Basis Weight Watchers trials caused "an improvement in behaviors that help people maintain the weight loss and the desire to eat when there is no physical hunger or need to feed a reduction". (src).
Critics of the previous formula points stated that it did not accurately differentiate between most nutritionally dense foods and "empty calories". This is due to the heavy weighting of calories compared to measures of other nutrients.
When we have an Apple 100 calories in one hand and a package of 100 calories of cookies in nothing more, and we consider them as "the same" because the calories are the same, they say all that needs to be said about the limitations of using only the calories in leading food choices.

Points Plus Deluxe Starter Kit
What is the new formula?
Points Plus = (grams of protein/10.9) + (grams of carbohydrates/9.2) + (grams of fat/3.9) + (grams of fibre/35).
So, for a Big Mac,

Points Plus = 25/10.9 + 45/9.2 + 29/3.9 + 3/35
Points Plus = 2.29 + 4.89 + 7.44 + 0.09

Points Plus = 14.71 (value of the preceding paragraph was 13.97).

Note that this formula is via Wikipedia (ProPoints), and we cannot guarantee that this is accurate, and that you must use tools WW officers for precise values Plus points. Is perhaps the U.S. formula is slightly different. Some have suggested the value should be CARB Gram (Carb-fiber)/9.2 account to label the differences between the United States and United Kingdom.

What else changed plus points
Daily allowance points have increased.
Treat yourself is encouraged.
Foodstuffs of weight Watchers will point values (an indicator that perhaps foodstuffs brand aren't particularly nutrients?).

Please note that the points plus and points are registered trademarks of Weight Watchers Inc.

We can legislate use Photoshop?

For those who are not aware: everything is photoshopped. Every image you see on a magazine cover is not real.
"I don't think there's a single photograph in those (magazines) that has not been altered. Are all handled to hell."Hany Farid, a Dartmouth College
A number of countries are beginning to discuss how they could legislate against the practice.
Can we really ask Governments to stop what we as consumers want (apparently)?
UK organisations are beginning to talk about what measures could be introduced to curb the practice of digital manipulation.
Magazines to defend the practice: "sometimes readers want hyper-reality in a way-they want to be removed from your own situation."-Jill Wanless, an associated editor to Look Magazine.

Paul Sidibe on Elle-complete with wig and skin alleviated.
Image from precious movie on the right.
Australia have recently introduced voluntary guidelines for fashion and media sectors. Requires the code of conduct:
Disclosure when the pictures were retouched and refraining from improving photographs in a way that changes the shape of a person's body, for example, stretching your legs or cut their lives or removing freckles, lines, and other distinctive signs.
Photographers will not keep your hands out ' volunteering '
"Do politicians really so underestimate the populace who think that an alert should go on an image of fashion?
"Perhaps every woman that uses trick should have an alert tattooed on his neck.
"Entertainment media, in General, traffic in fantasia. in that regard, the manipulation of images is a legitimate work of producers of entertainment."(source)
Can we really we rely on volunteers ' codes '? Or even legislation? we as consumers have a role to play here? Search (and anyone with eyes to see) shows that the size and shape of our bodies are increasingly at odds with media images.
See our exposé on the shape of the female body in the 20th century, if you need more convincing. or even Wired infographic on descending size models playmate.
Someone really knows as "hyper-reality" affects us?

Wendy present "Gourmet" Fries

In an attempt to acquire a new market segment, Wendy has introduced a new take on fast food: "natural cut fries with sea salt".
You can imagine the same wording to a fancy restaurant menu.Sound But also are healthy fried.?
Unfortunately, no. New fries Wendy contain significantly more sodium and slightly more calories than those standards.
NPR reports:

Wendy's has confirmed that the new frying medium size ranges from 350 mg to 500 milligrams.
The recommended daily limit is 2400 milligrams of sodium, the equivalent of one teaspoon of salt. These fries represent over one fifth of that.
The term "natural" in the name of chips is not regulated by the Government. She sounds sane, but is essentially meaningless. Other words like "pure" and "cool" are often used in a similar manner. And also legitimate claims as applied "fat-free" is often incorrectly to unhealthy products that are in other ways.
What is the result of dieters?
Well, if you're going to eat French fries, may find that you prefer the new gourmet (which cost the same standard of fries), and maybe you'll be satisfied with a partial media rather than a big but not a child yourself that these fries are a healthy option.

View the original article here

mercoledì 19 gennaio 2011

60% of Women Don't Like Eating in Front of Their Partner

A new survey highlights some revealing statistics about the relationship between women and food.
60% of women in relationships do not feel comfortable eating in front of their partner50% of women in relationships get shy undressing in front of their partner40% of women feel as though they are constantly dieting13% of women choose low-calorie meals instead of what they would actually like when eating out
Can we really believe these numbers?
Although featured in Time and the Daily Mail, these numbers seem high. The survey was "carried out for Shapesmart" - according to nutritionist Mary Strugar. Shapesmart is a UK-based weight management program, and Strugar sits on the "Expert Advice Panel". The UKPA mentions that 5,000 people were surveyed - but nowhere can I discover if any of these people had a pre-existing relationship with the diet company.

Reader surveys can be notoriously biased - it's a bit like surveying readers of a gossip magazine if they are obsessed with celebrities -- you are probably going to get a different result to the rest of the population.
Regardless of accuracy - I have no doubt that many women have an unhealthy relationship with food. The reasons for not wanting to eat in front of a partner are unclear - is he critical? Does the woman feel under scrutiny for what she chooses to eat?
Are you comfortable eating in front of your partner?

martedì 18 gennaio 2011

7 Ideas to Keep Children Active This Winter

The January "blahs" may have hit in your household. With New Years resolutions perhaps long gone, here are 7 ways to prevent your family from going into full-blown hibernation this winter.
Community Centers: Recreation centers are one of the best resources to keep children active during the cold months. Sign your little ones up for a sport or activity they are interested in. Swimming, ice skating and other indoor activities are perfect opportunities to keep fit.Brave the Elements: Depending on where you live, inclement weather isn't always a bad thing. If you live in a snowy climate, enjoy building a snow fort, snow shoeing or a good old winter trek. If you're near a hill - tobogganing is great, and if you have fields/trails nearby - give cross country skiing a shot.

Wii Tournament: Have a fun active games night if you have a gaming system to accommodate (wii, kinect), etc. Wii boxing burns a decent amount of calories and several vigorous games of rock band is never a bad thing.
Dance Party: Crank the music and get your kids to show you their stuff! If they are too young to know how embarrassed they should be by you, show them your stuff too, mom and dad!
Home Obstacle Course: Use furniture, toys, broom handles and get your kids crawling, stepping and climbing through obstacles that you can all set up.

"Commercial Challenge": I know, most people "PVR" nowadays, but pause shows every 10 minutes or so and set up a physical challenge with your kids like a push-up contest, 100 jumping jacks or a game of flip the bear (dad or mom on the floor on all fours while kids try and knock them over).
Trip to the Mall: A brisk stroll around the mall is a good way to pass some time after school or on the weekend in the cold months. Walk extra fast past the food court though!

The key is for parents to take the initiative here and do these activities with the children as much as possible. Making it a family affair will help get the whole family more fit as well as provide opportunities for bonding. Setting limits on screen time will help open the doors for activity opportunities.
What are your winter activity ideas?

martedì 11 gennaio 2011

Weight loss diet of Drew Carey

If you've been watching the price is right, you would have noticed that this guy funny Drew Carey is a shadow of its former self. More specifically, between January and September 2010 has lost 85 pounds. His alteration was one of the stories of weight loss more obvious public in 2010.
How did?
According to the people, Carey to drop the carbohydrates:
"No carbs," says Carey. "I have cheated a couple of times but basically no carbs, not even a cracker. No bread in all. No pizza, nothing. No corn, no beans, no starches of any type. White d ' egg in the morning or as, Greek yoghurt, cut some fruits. "
Carey aimed at 45 minutes of cardio for most days of the week and is reputedly drinking only water.
If Carey continues on this procedure remains to be seen, but highlights yet again the need to find what works for you.

View the original article here