mercoledì 29 settembre 2010

Poll: Kirstie Alley Loses 50 lbs on Organic Liaison


Former Jenny Craig spokeswoman and program failure, Kirstie Alley, recently tweeted that she lost 50 pounds using Organic Liaison.

She helped develop this program and is the face of the diet which uses supplements and a mystical organic formula to help people lose weight.

Our line of organic weight loss products contains formulas and ingredients not commonly found in the marketplace to effectively assist with weight loss and maintenance. These products take the "toxic" out and rejuvenate your body with pure, healthy nutrients to help you lose weight.

What's a washed up, overweight actress to do in an industry that is obsessed with body image? Well, get out of the acting business and plunge into the multibillion dollar diet and supplement industry. With the help of Oprah, it couldn't be any easier.

It's great that Kirstie is getting to a healthy weight, however, she has a lot of motivation to succeed in the form of sales to generate from her success on her own program. Organic Liaison starts at $129 a month for the very basic 1 month plan which includes;

Rescue Me™ Kit including the first USDA certified organic weight loss productProven, expert weight loss system you can do at homeOnline tools with Daily Journal, Success Graph, Menu Planner and more!Organic recipes from Kirstie's KitchenAccess to certified specialistsOrganic Network Locator with instant access to organic grocery stores, restaurants and farmers markets in your area
It basically looks like most of the money is paying for the supplements as the other services could be found for free on sites such as

What are your thoughts on Kirstie Alley and her new Organic Liaison program? Participate in the poll and comments below.

Sources: Organic Liaison,

Does Kirstie Alley really care about weight loss or is she just out to make a buck?

View the original article here

martedì 28 settembre 2010

Weight loss strategies-Can You lose weight fast if you choose the right diet?

Se mai avete deciso di andare su una dieta e di aver fatto qualche ricerca in cui dieta per scegliere allora probabilmente hai confuso vero resoconto reale. Ci sono centinaia se non migliaia di diete, programmi di dieta e perdere peso velocemente sistemi di là fuori da scegliere. Spesso il problema più grande è quale scegliere.

Guarda tutta la dieta e di farvi capire tutti lo stesso tipo di stuff.Each di queste diete possono dire sono il modo più efficace per perdere peso, che sono facili da fare, che verranno rimossi dalla sterline. riassunto tutti sostengono di lavorare ... e di lavorare meglio di altre diete.

Questo lo rende semplicemente confuso un sacco di people.The più si guarda a diete più opzioni vi renderete conto che sono là fuori per voi. così, si poteva scegliere uno, perché sembra facile o perché pensi che si adatta meglio e in modo da poter dare un andare. Poi magari dopo qualche settimana, quando i risultati iniziano a morire partenza si arrendono.

Il problema è che avete una testa piena di informazioni dalla ricerca iniziale su tutte le altre diete. Così, forse si pensa che prima non era realmente significato per voi, o semplicemente non funziona. Quindi, si passa a un altro ... e un altro ... e un altro.

Prima di sapere che si sono modificati in una 'yo yo' a dieta e non si avrà un risultato significativo per mostrare per it.One dei problemi che si può trovare è che si sono dati la scelta così tanto e così tante opinioni contrastanti su ciò che funziona e cosa no. Così, quando non è possibile vedere i risultati che state cercando il vostro cervello sarà tornare a tutte quelle diete e dire di provare una nuova, perché le informazioni che per primo ha dato deve essere stato sbagliato.

È necessario modificare la mentalità qui piuttosto che una dieta dieta a base di luppolo, nella speranza che uno di loro ti aiuterà a perdere peso rapidamente. tutti possono, in generale, aiutano a perdere peso velocemente per cominciare, ma non necessariamente vedere il successo a lungo termine con tutti i loro. che cosa si ha realmente bisogno è una dieta che opera nel breve, medio e lungo termine. Quindi, prima di tuffarsi nella vostra dieta prossimo, fare qualche ricerca su quanto tempo gli effetti sono davvero Ultimo.

Hai bisogno di aiuto per perdere peso o testardo ventre grasso? ci sono un sacco di consigli utili e informazioni disponibili al grande

Idee e suggerimenti presentati ci potrebbe aiutare solo il tuo lavoro corpo a perdere grasso velocemente nello stomaco che in più per voi e per ridurre l'appetito durante il processo!

Woolston H

Leggi tutto ...

lunedì 27 settembre 2010

Can We Legislate Photoshop Use?

A coloro che non sono a conoscenza: TUTTO è photoshoppato. Ogni immagine che si vede sulla copertina di una rivista non è reale.

"Io non credo che ci sia una singola
fotografia in quelle (riviste) che non è ritoccata. Sono tutti manipolati per
l'inferno". Hany Farid, Dartmouth College

Un certo numero di paesi stanno cominciando a discutere di come possano legiferare contro la pratica.

Possiamo veramente chiedere ai governi di fermare ciò che noi come consumatori (apparentemente) il desiderio?

organizzazioni del Regno Unito stanno cominciando a parlare di ciò iniziative potrebbero essere adottate per contrastare la pratica della manipolazione digitale.

Le riviste difendono la pratica: "A volte i lettori vogliono iper-realtà in un modo - vogliono essere messo fuori la propria situazione." - Jill Wanless, un editore associato della rivista Look.

Gabourey Sidibe su Elle - completo di parrucca e alleggerito la pelle.
Immagine dal film Precious sulla destra.

Australia hanno recentemente introdotto linee guida volontarie per le industrie della moda e dei media. Il codice di condotta richiede:

Rivelatrice quando le immagini sono state ritoccate e astenendosi da migliorare le fotografie in un modo che cambia la forma del corpo di un individuo, ad esempio, allungando le loro gambe o tagliare loro vita o la rimozione di lentiggini, le linee e altri segni distintivi.

I fotografi non sarà mettendo le loro mani fino al 'volontariato'

"Non sottovalutare i politici davvero così il popolo che pensano che un messaggio di avviso dovrebbe andare su un'immagine di moda?

"Forse ogni donna che usa il trucco dovrebbe avere un avviso tatuata sul collo.

"I media di intrattenimento, in generale, il traffico nella fantasia. A questo proposito, la manipolazione delle immagini è una parte legittima del lavoro dei produttori di intrattenimento." (Fonte)

Possiamo davvero fare affidamento su 'volontario' codici? O anche la legislazione? Non noi, come consumatori hanno un ruolo da svolgere qui? La ricerca (e chiunque abbia occhi per vedere) mostra che la dimensione e la forma dei nostri corpi sono sempre più in contrasto con le immagini dei media.

Vedi la nostra denuncia sul corpo femminile di forma nel 20 ° secolo, se avete bisogno di più convincente. O anche di Wired infografica sulle dimensioni decrescenti di modelli compagno di giochi.

C'è qualcuno che veramente sa come 'iper-realtà' ci riguarda?

Visualizza l'articolo originale qui

You are on diet Deja Vu?

Could never have heard of deja vu, but diet is probably the most popular diet throughout history. You know, this is the diet, lose weight a little, then they return, lose it, then it comes back, and so on ad infinitum. Even though most people that are on this type of diet plan doesn't really like the results, still remains popular.

Now you might think that is the fault of the people who are on the diet. Is their fault that they don't have the willpower to stay on a diet correct.While there is some truth to that, isn't the whole truth. Let's look at a few reasons why this type of diet is so popular.

The first reason is because the diet industry loves this kind of diet. In fact every one of their diet plans is designed around the diet of deja vu.You see, if the diet industry really wanted to lose weight and keep it off, then you would have of business in short order. now this is a multi-billion dollar industry that we are talking about. Do you really think they're promoting something that will put you in business?

For the same reason, do you really believe that we have also a comma to concerned about your weight and your health? what you are good at marketing. And this leads to the second reason that these diets are so popular. Because what the audience is bravo to believe in their marketing.

Perhaps it is not yet believe in marketing, maybe that this is really the hope of losing excess weight, easily and effortlessly. you see these ads all the time.Lose weight effortlessly, just take the pill and the fat melts. Or drink this liquid and torch out fat in minutes. or, how about this one: Burn fat while watching TV all day.

The third reason these diets are so popular is because they are designed from the beginning to fail. Once again, because the diet industry multi-billion dollar would give you a diet that works? bottom line is that they don't-ever.

The fourth reason is because your body will automatically reject any attempt to diet.Diet goes against every molecule in your body. it goes against all thought process in your body. It goes against your entire essence.

Well, this is quite a positive framework I painted here you might think (I say with tongue firmly in cheek).With all this going on, how can you possibly expect to lose weight?It's pretty easy to lose weight and absolutely shouldn't go on a diet to lose weight. Thus in progress a diet to lose weight is perhaps the worst thing you can do for you.

OK, here is a warning, I'm going to leave you hanging here. This topic could fill an entire book to explain (and Yes, I have a book on the subject).

But, let's ease this. If you are interested to lose weight permanently, looking and feeling better then please refer to the link below.See if you like, see if you think I know what I'm talking about. and finally, see if you think I can help you really lose weight that you want to once and for all.

Delete the diet deja vu from your life forever.

Thank you
Mike Val

Copyright 2010. just click on the link to receive a free report on how to lose weight easily and keep it off with 6 simple steps.valshealthnews

Mike will help you stay up-to-date on all health, fitness and nutrition news that will help lead the life stellar.valshealthsite

When the diet Gets Crazy-important information you need about traditional diet

In a world that is becoming increasingly obsessed with fitness, weight loss is one of the most widely adopted losing extra flab and reach a slim figure. Weight loss can be accomplished through regulation of your calorie intake, which is more commonly known as diet.

Diet is defined as a way controlled or regulated by ingestion of food, mainly in order to prevent weight gain and improve the chances of weight loss. in some cases, diets are monitored with the objective of gaining weight, generally in the case of athletes and body builders who would like to reach a particular body mass as part of their athletic exercise.

Experts say that stand as a means to lose weight is primarily a lost cause or a losing proposition.It's pretty sad but true that weight loss diet is more often a temporary phenomenon. many people start with diets with a bang, but lose their way of relapse in previous lifestyles high calorie intake.  The causes of this are many, they are enlisted below.

Binge Eating: Binge eating is also known as compulsive eating disorders. It may seem ironic, but binge eating is very often preceded by the diet. Many times you diet that aggravates the problem instead of solving it. Start of dieter out with a firm of resolved initially succeed, but soon faces a revolt by the body which is not very used to punish such a regimen. The body and the mind of dieter the new craves for its most wanted foods and relished delights, which causes the body to revolt against the diet.Manifests such revolt binge eating where the dieter goes on a spree eats, the diet in a shot. The dieter soon realizes that the battle against the bulge must be fought and won first in mind and then the body. Binge eating is accompanied by psychological symptoms like guilt, discouragement and depression. In serious cases, the dieter may abandon the diet as he feels that diet is an exercise in futility.

Anorexia:Anorexia nervosa is the other extreme of the diet, where the dieter is obsessed diet too severely limiting food intake levels. This is in fact a psychological disorder where the patient has a compulsive fear of gaining weight and goes to ridiculously dangerous and measure for the control of weight gain.People who suffer from anorexia nervosa may indulge in the ritual fame, purging as unqualified and unjustified use of drugs and diuretics. This is serious and threatening consequences for the health of the patient sometimes life. In fact, anorexia has psychological and sociological underpinnings, and if not controlled biological or healed, could also lead to starvation.

Diet addiction:These people get involved with the concept of being on a diet.They are compulsive dieters, although not to the extent of Anorexics.For addicts diet, self-esteem and well-being is defined by their success on their diet.In some cases, diet drug addicts fall their weight below acceptable levels and have to get medical treatment to regain health. in other cases diet drug users adopt models of diet, bingeing and dieting again in the form of a sort of yo-yo lifestyle.

In essence, the diet is essential for weight loss. When practised in moderation and coupled with exercise, diet is absolutely essential to weight loss. However, moderation is the key as being in excess creates more problems than can resolve, as mentioned previously. As all the other things in life, practice the diet in moderation for success.

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domenica 26 settembre 2010

Poll: Hugh Jackman May Bulk Up Vegan for Wolverine II

A few weeks ago our weekly poll focused on how a vegan diet almost killed Angelina Jolie.

Now it's been reported that Hugh Jackman is considering using a vegan diet to bulk up for his next movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine II. If a vegan diet almost "killed" Angelina will it produce a ripped, fierce, yet vegetarian wolverine?

In a recent interview with VegNews, Brendan Brazier, (a vegan nutritionist, athlete, author, and founder of vegetarian based Vega), said that he has been working with Jackman to prepare for his up coming movie.

Although the Wolverine bulked up eating a lot of chicken for his previous movie, Jackman has since switched to a mostly vegan diet for environmental and health reasons. Brazier isn't certain if the actor will go completely vegan for his bulk up, but will most likely be primarily vegan.

Will a vegan diet contain enough protein to produce the muscular Wolverine we saw in the first X-Men Origins movie or will we see a punier version in Wolverine II ?

What do you think? Participate in the poll and comments below.

Can a vegan diet be used to produce bulky muscle mass?

View the original article here

Fitness of children manifest

Abbiamo una lotta nelle nostre mani.

A struggle to retrieve a physical culture, which I suspect has become lost on this current generation. A task of this magnitude requires a basic understanding of the needs of children from a perspective of inspiration, and physical development.

Here's a primer on some philosophies of fitness for children, and how we can help the health of our young people through activities to retrieve.

The ultimate goal for any children fitness initiative is to instill a joy for activities that will continue into adulthood. One of the most important things that we can provide children is the importance of savoring the CNS. decision-making the develops spontaneously, but also is formed through the right kind of activity. There are critical and sensitive periods neural development that depend on physical activity. Children better move through opportunities, experience, reward, indications and adequate stimuli. For children (under 9), fun and game should be the focal point of activities. It shouldn't feel like "work". That said, there should be an element of fun at any age. Trying to teach complex design skills or "Play" makes no sense for children under the age of 6, as are egocentric. Imposition of collections and artifacts on children is a form of deprivation of play Machines are no longer safe-learn to move properly introduce ISA. Slowly rather than task force on children. Creating inclusive environments are of vital importance for the enjoyment of all Built-in variety.: Vary the stimulus, including land, the situation or activity. Repetition (within the context of the variety) is a good thing. Children need repetition to build familiarity-which generates mastery-that builds confidence. Early Specialization of sport is harmful to the general well-being, physical and mental of most children. For 6-9 year olds: this age group must be focused on the discovery-put the value in an attempt (does not correct the form). Embed basic skills such as running, climbing, crawling, skip and jump.As progress of children in age and physical/emotional maturity, add the technical skills required.There is no such thing as "good" or "bad" coordination.Coordination is a multi-faceted concept that includes the balance, spatial awareness and rhythm, to name a few. En ok for kids to fail and yes even the cry-this builds resilience and adaptability. children should not be relegated to an emotion.(Note: this does not mean that we test and "makes them cry", simply means that children get frustrated sometimes and we need to tell them it's OK to feel that way). Seize every opportunity to go out and be active with your children. walking, cycling, swimming or playing a sport with them.

Special thanks to the International Association of youth conditioning and Dr. Kwame Brown for resources.

Credit picture: geowillis

View the original article here

Two-Ton French Fries Record Attempt Fails

French Fries

Another day, another food-related record breaking attempt. We've had the world's longest pizza, now how about two tons of French Fries to go with that?

Sadly, or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the Grand Forks (in North Dakota) attempt at the "World's Largest French Fry Feed" failed.

Despite the rather appropriate name, Grand Forks failed to get enough people forking up fries, as reported. 4,110 pounds of fries (around 2 tons) were fried - less than the record of 4,890, set a couple of years ago.

Some might say that records are made to be broken, but is this obsession with food-related records a sign of our growing dysfunctional relationship with food? Like competitive eating, producing vast quantities of food (much of which is likely to go to waste) seems at best misguided, and at worst seriously wasteful.

Once, the records we broke were sporting ones: fastest mile, highest jump, longest throw. Let's just hope that today's kids won't grow up aiming to beat the "Biggest Burger Eaten" record...

View the original article here

Do You exercise motivation?

Uno dei migliori modi per superare la mancanza di motivazione per l'esercizio, è quello di trovare un modello sano di ruolo.

Da dimenticare invece Angelina Jolie, o Hugh Jackman, questa è Carol Burns ... e lei è il vero affare!

Quindi qual è il parere di Carol per i pigri tra di noi?

Hey, scendere il tuo Duff e farlo qui e allenamento ... lavora per me!

Questa era Carol festeggia il suo 90 ° compleanno presso la palestra delle curve. Sì, avete letto bene, lei 90 anni ... wow!

Mi piace l'ethos di Carol:

'Ll invecchiano, un giorno, non solo oggi. Quindi, io continuo a lavorare fuori, quindi non è necessario.

Potete vedere voi stessi ancora lavorando su, quando sei anni 90?

Visualizza l'articolo originale qui